What makes a good dance performance?

Whilst watching a dance performance, there are lots of features that I look for which engage me as part of the audience.

One feature is facial expression, dancers use their facial expression to help communicate their emotions and the feel of the dance so for example if a dancer was performing an upbeat routine they would widen there eyes and smile to show there having fun. This engages the audience because the audience can see the dancers are enjoying themselves which make the audience feel involved.

Another feature that makes a successful and engaging dance performance is the dancers awareness of space and other dancers around them. If the dancer wasn’t aware of there dance space, it could be extremely dangerous and collisions would happen, This would make the dance look very messy and the audience would be distracted by the collisions so wouldn’t focus on the dance.

Another very important feature of a successful dance performance is timing, if even one dancer appears to be off time with the music and other dancers it can ruin the effectiveness of the dance and make it look messy.


I have chosen this dance as I feel it incorporates all the features above. The dancers appear to be on time and all dance in unison when needed one example of this is at 17 seconds when all of the dancers clicks are on time to the music which is very effective. also all of their moves are slick and full of energy which brings across the party atmosphere to the audience. Every dancer keeps their head and eye-lines up and focused and use happy facial expressions which show the ya re enjoying the routines. As you can see the dancers are very aware of each other and the space around them, this is made clear by the fact there are no collisions.

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