Lester Horton & Alvin Ailey


Lester Horton was an American dancer and choreographer, he is most famous for insisting racial intervention within his dance company, a quote from Alvin Ailey says “What it came down to was that, for Lester, his art was much more important than the color of a dancer’s skin.” This quote shows how Lester was more bothered about the dancers technique and talent then there skin colour which was unusual for the time period Lester was choreographing as segregation was common so it’s inspiring to read how Lester offered fair opportunities to everyone regardless of their backgrounds.

In the video below shows examples of the Lester Horton technique, as you can see his style involved lots of strength to execute the moves properly as they are all extremely controlled. One of Lesters most famous moves is the ‘Lateral T’ shown in the video at 0.54 seconds where we can see the dancers perform a forwards lateral T, this move can always be performed sideways, and involves really engaging the muscles so you don’t wobble around. Lester Hortons technique was very athletic and the movements were clear shaped and precise. Some more signature moves include flat backs which are shown at 2:20 in the video, this exercise in the video also includes another signature moves, the pelvic hinge which means moving from the hip.

I think that Horton technique is very valuable for any dancer to learn, the control needed to execute his technique is immense this will help develop a dancers strength, I know this because since I started learning Horton technique I have been more aware of what muscles I use when dancing and I’ve been making sure I engage all my muscles, this helps me keep my movements strong yet controlled, especially on key Horton moves like the Lateral T i make sure to keep my eye line focused and my core strong so I can fluidly get in and out out the lateral T without wobbling. The Horton technique can dramatically help a dancers form because you are made very aware of what muscles you should be using, like I said from experience I’ve learnt to really engage my core when going moves like the Lateral T and when performing pelvic hinges lowering to my knees I need to use my quads to help control me to the floor, this can dramatically help with a dancers strength and control.


ALVIN AILEY 1931-1989

Alvin never had intentions of becoming a dancer, in fact he was studying languages at university when he decided to take a class with Lester Horton when he was 18 years old. Due to Aileys athletic childhood, he was a natural at Lesters technique due to his athletic build, Lester noticed this and offered him a scholarship to train with him, so Alvin ditched the languages and studied with him.

In 1953 Lester suddenly died of a heart attack so Ailey temporarily took over his dance company but in 1958 Alvin started his own company called ‘Alvin Ailey American Dance Company’ just like Lester, Alvin wanted to integrate colour into his professional works and he wanted to celebrate people’s different bodies. Alvin wanted to use Lesters technique within his style, he wanted his dancers to have articulated hands and feet and expressive torsos with long unbroken lines, this reflects athletic and strong technique.

The video below is a segment from one of Alvins most famous pieces called ‘revelations’ this segment is called sinnerman and this piece especially shows how Lesters works is reflected in Alvins. At 0.44seconds we see the dancer execute 2 lateral Ts to the side with excellent control. One of Alvins famous moves is the ‘wineglass’ where we see the dancer use their arms held strong to create a wine glass shape above their heads, this is shown at 1:10 and the dancers holds this position strong whilst turning, this move shows a long unbroken line which what Alvin wanted his dancers to have.

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