Antigone rehearsals


This morning we went back to Creons entrance scene. We have decided to add Haemon into this scene as he has just come back from war with all the chorus. As i enter behind creon instead of standing around with the chorus i run towards my son Haemon who is stood downstage and embrace him, this is the first time i have seen him since he went to war so my actions towards him are filled with love to show the maternal love.

me and haemon

We involve a bottle of alcohol in this piece which i pass to Creon and Creon passes it around the chorus to celebrate us finding out that Creon is king. We also wanted to add more movement into this scene because before hand it was very static and the only movement was between creon and the soldier, so when creon announces he will be king, all the chorus come up and hug me and creon and pay their respects to us and then they pick Creon up in celebration.

After this celebration section of this scene, Creon announces what he will be doing with the bodies and it turns serious again, The solider is brought in from the back and is thrown on stage. Whilst Creon is questioning him, i am there behind him for support. We keep using the bottle of alcohol, i pass it to Creon when he seems to be stressed but then the soldier takes is just as he is about to tell us the news about the body being buried, he takes a few swigs to prepare himself to deliver the horrific news. Everyone on stage reacts to this and we all start to mumble and question. Creon shouts to shut us all up and we start to see the anger build up in Creon. I start to approach Creon when he gets angry to attempt to calm him down and reassure him in times of anger, this also helps show the audience the connection between me and my husband. We also worked on the exit scene. A problem we faced with the exit was that Creon would exit alone and leave me on stage which didn’t make much sense so instead we changed it so that Creon wake to Eurydice, takes her hand and leads her off. Also with the new addition of Haemon in this scene he follows behind us.

Exit scene

Miracle of man scene

This scene

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