Bob Fosse – who’s got the pain

in this piece of choreography by Bob fosse, we can see many examples of his style. The main example is the hat being used as a prop, Fosse was known for using bowler hats in his dances. Another example being turned in shoulders, there are times in this piece of choreography where the shoulder closest to the audience is turned in and we look over the shoulder to the audience. There are lots of hip isolations in this choreography especially on the simple moves like the walls at the beginning, by isolating the hips, it shows fosses style, he was known for isolating hips in his choreography. When comparing “who’s got the pain” to the more modern style of fosse, id say “who’s got the pain” is a lot more free, you can tell they are having a lot of fun performing this piece where as with modern day fosse it’s a lot more controlled and stylised and in most Fosse style dances, it’s quite serious and the dancers appear very engaged rather than free like in “who’s got the pain” . Elements such as the curved shoulders, isolated hips, turned in knees and splayed fingers still remain in both modern day fosse and original fosse choreography. As a dancer, I had to focus a lot on the timing and getting certain movements right on time with the music, another thing i struggled with slit was adding the hat into it, i kept getting confused as to whether my hat should be on my head or not but after lots of practice and going over it comes to you in the end.

2 thoughts on “Bob Fosse – who’s got the pain

  1. Great Caitlin! Lovely to see you dancing and well executed! Please could you make sure the blog post to accompany the video is added by Wednesday to complete this task? Thanks


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